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Lance shaped leaves with spotted leaves and purple undersides. Can produce small flowers in the spring. Reproduces by forming bulbs. Needs a period of dormancy in the winter.


Common Name: Silver Squill

Scientific Name: Ledebouria socialis

Native To: Africa

Family: Asparagaceae



Arrives in a 4" nursery pot if purchased on it's own. Visit our Pots Page to view and purchase pot options. 


*This plant is considered toxic.


    Bright indirect light. Does not do well in harsh direct sun.


    During the growing season in warmer months, water when the top inch of soil is dry. Err on the side of underwatering vs. overwatering. This plant is similar to a succulent in the way that it is drought-tolerant and stores water in it's stems. 

    Well-draining soil is recommended. When repotting, use a cactus/succulent mix. Terracotta pots are also a good choice for Silver Squills.

  • TIPS

    • Needs a period of winter dormancy. Reduce watering and pause fertilizing during this time.
    • When repotting, use a well-draining soil mix such as cactus/succulent blend. Repot 3-4 bulbs per 4" pot. Leave top of bulb exposed.

    This plant is considered toxic.

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