Scientific Name: Maranta leuconeura kershoveana 'variegated'
Common Name: Variegated prayer plant
Native to: South America Maranta leuconeura
Marantaceae Family
Available in a 6" nursery pot if purchased on it's own. Visit our Pots Page to view and purchase pot options.
Toxicity: This plant is not considered toxic.
Bright indirect light. Do not expose to direct sun as the leaves will burn.
Evenly moist soil. Allow the top couple of inches of soil to dry out between watering. Medium to high room humidity. Use filtered or reverse osmosis water. Can be sensitive to chlorine and fluoride in water as well as built-up salts in soil. Flush soil with plenty of water at least monthly.
- Color becomes more vivid as the plant matures.
- Exibits nyctinasty: term used to define the movement of the leaves that is associated with changes in light.
- Wipe leaves with a damp cloth regularly to remove dust.
- Sensitive to fluoride. Water with filtered water.
- If light is too strong, leaves can fade. If light is too dim, plants won’t open entirely during the day.
- Fertilize only twice per year.
- Prefers 65-85º
This plant is not considered to be toxic. However, it is best to keep all plants out of reach of pets and children.