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Botanical Name: Euphorbia fimbriata

Common Name: Corn Cob Euphorbia

Family: Euphorbiaceae

Native to: Western Cape, Republic of South Africa


Arrives in a 3.5" nursery pot if purchased on its own. Visit our Pots Page to view and purchase pot options.


*Considered toxic to pets and children. The sap can cause skin irritations, be cautious when handling.


    Give these plants as much bright direct light as possible! Windows are the best location for these sun-loving plants to be. Rotate often.


    Allow soil to dry out between watering. Thoroughly water the soil, enough to allow water to run through the pot. Make sure your plant is in a pot with fast-draining cactus/succulent soil and has good drainage.


    All parts of this plant are considered toxic. Use caution when handling and keep out of reach of children and pets. Seek medical attention if it is eaten.

  • TIPS

    • Use cactus/suculent potting mix when re-potting.
    • Keep away from children and pets.
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