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Large blue green heart-shaped leaves with shimmery silver variegation. Exotica features more of the shimmery silver variegation than other scindapsus pictus varieties (between 60-90% variegation). Scindapsus leaves are thick and velvety, hence their common name, Satin Pothos. 


Prolific and easy to care for, this plant will produce long vines that look great hanging or flowing along bookshelves. Can also be trained up a trellis!


Botanical Name: Scindapsus pictus 'Exotica'

Common Name: Silver Vine, Satin Pothos, Philodendron Silver (not an actual pothos or philodendron)


Native to Southeast Asia

  • Arum family (Araceae)


Arrives in a 4" nursery pot if purchased on it's own. Visit our Pots Page to view and purchase pot options. 


*This plant is considered mildly toxic to pets and humans.


  • Thrives in bright to medium indirect light. Can tolerate low-light conditions but will lose some of its variegation (spots) and have leaves spread further apart. Not suited for direct sun. 

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