Stunning shades of pink & green variegated leaves.
Native to tropical regions of India and Malaysia.
Ficus Elastica Ruby aka Ruby Rubber Tree
Moraceae Family
Arrives in a 4" nursery pot if purchased on it's own. Visit our Pots Page to view and purchase pot options.
*Keep out of reach of children and pets. Sap can be a irritant.
Prefers some bright indirect light to maintain variegation but can tolerate medium indirect light conditions as well.
Allow top inch of soil to dry out between watering. Water evenly but don't allow to become overly saturated. Rubber Trees prefer some humidity but will tolerate normal room humidity.
- Leaves will become dull when more light is needed.
- Keep away from cold drafts, heaters and air vents.
- Wipe leaves regularly to remove dust.
- Can grow to be as tall as 8' indoors!
This plant is considered toxic to humans and pets. Sap can be a skin irritant.